


Special Assignments with incentive pay (above base pay):

Detective Division / Intelligence Duties – 5%

Motorcycle Duty – 5%

Field Training Officers – 10%

Dispatch Trainers – 15%

Civilian Trainers – 10%

POST Intermediate – 3%

POST Advanced – 3%

POST Tactical Communications Dispatcher – 2.5%

POST Supervisory Certificate – 3%

Bachelor’s Degree – 2.5%

Marksmanship – 5%

EOD – 5%

Hostage / Crisis – 5%

Special Assignment Hazard Premium – 5%

Billingual – $200/mo

Shift Differential – Swings: 2.5%, Nights: 5%

Longevity Pay up to 12.5%:

After five (5) years– 2.5 % increase above base salary

After ten (10) years– 2.5% increase above base salary

After fifteen (15) years– 2.5% increase above base salary

After twenty (20) years– 2.5% increase above base salary

After twenty-five (25) years– 2.5 % increase above base salary

Sworn members are provided with initial uniforms/ safety equipment and receive an annual uniform allowance of  $1,500. Civilian members are provided $500 for uniforms and receive an annual uniform allowance of $400.

Sworn (3/12 or 4/10 variable), Civilian (9/80 or variable)

Specialty/Collateral Assignments: Bicycle, K-9, Investigations, Motors, MAIT, County Crime Task Force, Cannabis Enforcement, SRO, FTO, SWAT, EOD, HNT, Intelligence/COPSS Team, Arson Investigator, Public Relations Team, Recruiter, Special Needs Assessment Team, and Evidence Response Team.

Just fill out the Contact a Recruiter form at the bottom of this page and we will get you all the information you need!